Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I finally remembered to do this at home! Unfortunately we have no sound on our staff computers, so it made it slightly difficult to do this at work...

I found the podcast really interesting, I loved some of the online courses that could be undertaken. I see real benefits of podcasts to libraries- allowing patrons to hear presentations that have been held, storytime and also involving the community in creating content.

I also think podcasts and vodcasts could be really beneficial for training benefits- perhaps some of the professional development seminars that are held could be made available via podcast for those library staff that are a fair distance from the city.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Social Networks

Having looked at some of the social network sights, I definitely think there's a huge benefit to them. However some were better than others, I really loved the Rotorua Bebo page, it was up to date, well set out and easily followed.

I think the main benefit of these sites is marketing libraries to a different audience and getting information out about events, promotions etc to people that may not actually normally visit the library.

I had a bit of a look round at Second Life and I'm not really sure about it. I'm sure like the social networking sites it's necessary for libraries to have a presence on there, but I'm not sure it's for everyone... Including me!

Have really enjoyed doing this course, have tried things I've never done before and realised I knew more than I though I did about some of the things out there for libraries!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Online applications and tools

I love some of these tools! I'm a regular user of the online photo editors at work. Currently not all of our computers have access to a good photo editor, so when I'm having trouble manipulating an image for our website I head to google type in free online photo editor and go from there.

I've never used google docs before today, but found it fantastic, I made a presentation and I couldn't believe how quick and easy it was. Will definitely use it again! Here at work, not all of our public use computers have microsoft word etc on them and most of the time the people using them forget to bring something to save their work to! By showing the google docs, they could do and save all of their work online and access it anywhere they go.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I've skipped Podcasts for the moment and will get back to it when I remember to do it at home! Unfortunately none of our work computers have sound!

I really loved the Big Huge Labs site, had great fun playing around. A couple of people from our library have already used this site. They've created motivational posters from some pictures we had taken for our new website. They look so fantastic and it's nice to have posters that show our library!

I've attached my play, I created a calendar with one of our latest puppies at 6 weeks- isn't she gorgeous!!